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YouTube statistics

When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? If you’re like most people, it was probably within the past day or two. The following stats are complied from Hootsuite and We Are Social

  • There are more than 1.5 billion monthly active YouTube users.
  • “YouTube” is the second-most popular search query in the world (which is why video ranking is so important)
  • Roughly 45% of YouTube users access the platform daily.
  • 11% of YouTube’s audience is 65 or older, making it one of the most popular social media platforms for seniors.
  • 58% of American adults use YouTube regularly.
  • YouTube users watch more than a billion hours of video per day, cumulatively.
  • The best videos tend to rack up the most views, with the top 10 videos of 2017 earning 630 million views combined (more than 40 million hours of viewing time).
  • 70% of YouTube users have used YouTube to help solve a problem, and 86% use it to learn new things.
  • 18% of American adults get at least some of their news from YouTube.
  • More than half of YouTube views are from mobile devices, with the average mobile viewing session lasting more than an hour.
  • 51% of U.S. marketers run YouTube video ads, and 62% are planning to increase their spend on the platform in the next year.
  • 95% of YouTube ads are audible, and 93% are viewable.
  • YouTube ads grab and hold more attention than TV ads, with 83% of ad time getting the viewer’s attention.
  • 70% of marketers are confident they can use YouTube to lead to consumer purchases.